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Brief Introduction to Journal of Kaili University


Journal of Kaili University is an educational scientific research journal sponsored by Kaili University (KLU) and published by the editorial department of the Journal of KLU. It is a provincial academic journal. It is now a comprehensive bimonthly publication with 6 issues throughout the year (the first, second, fourth, and fifth issues publish the results of philosophy and social science research; the third and sixth issues publish the results of natural science research).


According to the requirements of educational scientific research journals, it mainly publishes the scientific research results of college education and teaching and the scientific research results of elementary and middle school education and teaching, so as to promote the development of education and the prosperity of philosophy, social sciences and natural sciences.


"Journal of Kaili University" is one of the first batch of qualified journals published by the General Administration of Press and Publication. It was awarded the "Second Excellent Journal in Ethnic Areas (Journal)" in 2012; the column "Miao-Dong Culture Research" was awarded the second national edition in 2007. Excellent column of journals of local colleges and universities, won the "Excellent Column" of the Second Journal of Ethnic Regions (Journal) in 2012. In 2018, "Journal of Kaili University" was rated as "National Excellent Journal of Local Colleges and Universities", and the column "Miao-Dong Culture Research" was rated as "Special Columns of National Local College Journals". At present, the journal has become a journal included in the "China Core Journals (Selection) Database", a source journal of the China Academic Journals Comprehensive Evaluation Database, a journal included in the China Journal Full-text Database, a journal included in the Chinese Science and Technology Journal Database, a journal included in the Wanfang Data Digitized Journal, CEPS Chinese Electronic journal service database.

























Introduction to Journal of Original Ecological National Culture


Journal of Original Ecological National Culture was founded in 2009. KLU sponsors the ethnology and anthropology professional academic journals published at home and abroad. The academic journal always aims to improve the academic quality, editing quality and academic influence of the journal, and is an important window for the research results of the original ecological national culture.


Characteristics of the publication:


The first academic journal in the country named after "the original ecological national culture", which aims to promote and create the original ecological national culture, strive to promote the development of Chinese anthropology, and provide a platform for academic exchanges for Chinese ethnological anthropologists. Characteristic, cutting-edge, authoritative, and readable.


This journal mainly publishes academic achievements in disciplines such as ethnology and anthropology, including research on the consciousness of the Chinese nation community, ecological ethnology, social and cultural anthropology, ethnic folklore, ethnic history, Qingshuijiang research, and folk literature And traditional Chinese research, cultural heritage research, medical anthropology research, tourism anthropology research, legal anthropology research, rural society and culture research, rural revitalization and traditional village research and other columns.


Achievements and prospects:


In 2017, the Original Ecological Ethnic Culture Journal became the extended source journal of the Chinese Social Science Citation Index (CSSCI). In 2018, it was selected as an extended journal of the AMI Comprehensive Evaluation of Chinese Humanities and Social Sciences Journals (A Journal), and again in 2019 Become the extended source journal of the "Chinese Social Science Citation Index (CSSCI)", and will be rated as "RCCSE China Core Academic Journal" by the "Chinese Academic Journal Evaluation Research Report" (6th edition) in 2020.
















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Kaili Economic Development Zone,Guizhou, China

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